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Our Scottish heritage film offers can be tailored and delivered to diverse audiences in various formats:

  1. As an educational resource for delivery in schools
  2. For community and corporate projects
  3. For family history projects
  4. Or to enhance exhibits and displays within museums, visitor attractions and heritage centres

Our materials can be produced into an entire programme for you or clips can be purchased individually to suit your requirements.

Educational Resources Large

Educational Resources– Validated for every Scottish school

Our digital video clips are already available for all Scottish schools via SCRANs digital portal. Many schools already use the clips to address the Outcomes and Experiences within the Curriculum for Excellence.

Searchable database

Each clip has a computer data base showing teachers an example of where the clip can be used. However, the clips can be used in different subject areas in both primary and secondary stages. The clips have been positively appraised at Director of Education, HMI, teachers and pupil levels.

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Visitor Attractions: Museums & Libraries- Bring the dynamic of award winning Scottish heritage film to your visitors.

Clips from our archive can produce themed digital footage for visitor attractions, museums and libraries on the heritage of Scotland. This can transform static displays with authentic related digitised Scottish culture on film.

Enhance your visitor experience

We can offer advice on how to integrate digitised heritage video within contemporary heritage management in so doing heritage interpretation and visitor experience can be greatly enhanced. We can provide advice on many aspects of Scottish culture and the Doric dialect. There would be no copyright restrictions attached to any of the clips so access and distribution for none profit making would be facilitated.

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Scottish agriculture, Clydesdale hors power, past Scottish Heritage on Film,
Scottish Heritage Corporate Large

 Corporate Resources– Put your company history on film

We specialise in the production of company history, archive and promotion materials which bring a new personalised dynamic to the narrative story of your company successes.

Help to promote your company

We can produce digital clips which can integrate and complement your marketing strategies. This is another way to bring the dynamic of what you do to potential customers. We believe that it is important for companies to record on film their business origins, challenges and the business environment of the time.

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Family History– Get to know your ancestors better

We can provide digitised video clips showing how your Scottish ancestors lived and worked reflecting life in Scotland from the late 1800s. This dynamic video footage can bring unique additionality to your narrative family tree. Customise your family history with footage of family memorabilia and significant geographic locations linked to your family background. Our clips can show you how your Victorian ancestors worked the land, went to sea, contributed within their local communities, how they were educated, what religious faiths they might have had, the type of architecture which surrounded them, the dialect the spoke, the domestic technology which they enjoyed, how the family might have lived, their role in wartime, their environmental considerations and their sense of self sufficiency and relationships within their societies.

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Scottish Heritage Family History Large

The content on this web-site is drawn from an archive consisting of 500 hours of footage and is presented in 4 main sections – educational resources, visitor attractions, corporate & community resources and family history.